Reel Tale
Reel Tale
Reel Tale is an animated series about the outlandish manager of an antique movie theater who refuses to sit down and let the brand spanking new video rental store from across the road put them out of business, throwing the staff of both sides into an all-out war.
Reel Tale: The Bootleg Cowboy (Pilot Episode)
NOTE: Some of the shots are still in lookdev and are NOT finalized renders, likewise with turntables - these are before we had the lookdev!
What I'm responsible for on the show:
- Environment Lead - creation and texturing of the desert environment, road, road signs, mountains, rocks.
- Modelling and texturing of Claudia's pickup truck
- Animation Shot 230
- Street Props (including Hal's Hardware Shop, Fire Hydrant, Post Box, Trees, Agave Plants, Traffic Lights)
Project information
- Software(s) Used Maya, Nuke
- Project date 2022
- Professional Work
- View on artstation